Thursday, August 23, 2012

daily objective dry erase boards.....not just for teachers!

While browsing spending hours poring through my Pinterest boards over the past few weeks, I've been inspired to change up some things in my classroom. Pinterest-inspired (or as I'll refer to it-- P.I.)-- I have been using the term an awful lot lately.  I think one of my friends (and 4th grade teammate) said it best, "it's like Pinterest threw up in your classroom". 
Here's one gem I pinned a long time ago:
I would totally give credit to the website, but this was just a link to some one's iPhone photo.
So.....random iPhone picture-taking teacher-- thank you for the awesome idea.
UPDATE:  Amazing how the power of Pinterest works....the "random iPhone picture-taking teacher" has been found.  Thanks, Jillian for your original post and here's a link to her blog, Our Pinteresting Classroom.
Of course, I had to put my own twist on these daily objective boards.   So here's my quick tutorial if you want to make them like I did.  Or put your own twist on them--- maybe make one large frame with sections, use different shaped frames for a more artsy look--- the only limit is your creativity!
(For those of you who aren't teachers, this can actually be a project you could make, too-- it would make a cute, unique alternative to the dry erase boards that so many of us buy)
On to the tutorial......
Here are the materials I needed:
*Cute scrapbook paper in whatever color scheme/pattern you fancy
*Computer printouts for the "labels" in each frame
*Glue stick
*Paper cutter or good old-fashioned scissors
*Cheap frames
(I got mine from Michaels for $1.50 each-- and just found out that they are ON SALE this week for 50 cents a piece, so I bought a couple extra for backup and future projects)
Step One:  Cut the background paper to fit your frame.  Or think ahead and get the right size frame. 
I accidentally bought 8x10, and the paper was 8.5 x I just did a little trimming.

Step Two: Cut the margins off the "labels" you made on the computer. 
I did mine on Publisher, and used a cute font I found from second favorite website to spend hours searching for cute ideas.....I think you can guess my first fave.
I made six frames-- one for the "title" and five for my main subject areas:  Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Oh....and I just thought of this-- you could make these frames for listing homework for the different subjects/classes as well. 
Step Three:  Decide which backgrounds you're going to put with each label and glue them on, eyeballing that they are centered on the paper. 
Step Four:  Put each page in the frames, trimming if needed to fit.
Step Five: Hang them up!  
Now here's where it might be different for you, depending on the surface you're hanging them, and the type/weight of the frames.  For me, I knew I was hanging them on a smooth surface (my whiteboard) and I found these 3M Command Picture Hanging Strips:
 (sorry the photo is upside down......I'm new at this)
I attached the strips to the back of the frames-- I played it safe and put two on each, even though the package said it would be okay with one in the center. 
Then I decided the arrangement of my frames.  I took bright cardstock and stuck them on my whiteboard with magnets until I had them set up how I wanted.  I took one down at a time, attached the frame to the whiteboard, and (per the directions) let the strip adhere to the board for an hour before putting all the frames back up.  Waiting that long was tough......but I had lots of other projects to keep me busy!
And here's what they looked like after I got them all up.....I'm SO happy with how it turned out!
I'll be back in a few days with a few other P.I. projects that I've been working on.....soon I'll be too busy to do any projects, so I'm basking in the creativity sun for as long as I can!  :)

UPDATE:  Due to the volume of requests I've had to email the PDF files for the frames, I opened up a Teachers Pay Teachers account and uploaded both the horizontal and vertical frames.

If you would like to get the free downloads for those, go here and here.


maggie said...

Did you pin this? You should pin your own projects and then people will visit your blog to read about them! Looks great!

Unknown said...

No, I didn't even think of that....thanks for the tip, Maggie!

Anonymous said...

So you just write on the glass of the frame.

Unknown said...

Yep...I just used a regular white board marker to write on the glass, and it erases easily. I wrote on these daily all year and they are still in great condition! :)

Jen said...

You are brilliant!!! I LOVE stuff like this, but am never clever or creative enough to come up with it on my own. Thank you for the clear step by step directions too. I will definitely be using this idea this fall, which actually is only a few weeks from today for my school system! Something new, bright, cheery, eye catching, and that nobody else in my building has up...yet :)
Thanks again!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Jen- glad I could help! I love making bright, cheerful stuff for my classroom but lots of times I just break down and buy the cute stuff to save time! Wow, just a few weeks left until you're back? I'm just a few weeks into my summer break! Good luck!

LumbeeLiz said...

These are beautiful! Thank you for the easy to follow directions-I can tell you are a great teacher!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Liz! I was hoping it would come across as easy to follow- because it was easy to do! :)

Anonymous said...

No worries about the glass? I'm not too comfortable putting glass frames on my whiteboard, so I may try laminating the pages and framing those without the glass.

Unknown said...

The frames I used are pretty inexpensive, so I'm not sure if it's really glass-- it may be plastic actually. Either way, I'm the only one who uses them so I'm just careful not to press too hard. I think your idea of using laminated pages would work just as well, though!

Anonymous said...

Another idea if you dont want to put glass and possibly heavy picture frames on your chalkboard......use poster frames. They are much lighter and sometimes make out of plastic.

Anonymous said...

I've used plain laminated pages on my board for objectives and they are very difficult to erase on a daily basis. I am excited to complete this project for my classroom this coming year!

Vanessa Melendez said...

I was also scared of using the glass that came with the frames. I removed the glass and placed a whiteboard inside the frame. The whiteboards I found were in the dollar section and looked like handwriting paper.

Unknown said...

The frames I used were really lightweight, like a poster frame. Probably because they were so inexpensive. I wasn't worried about any breakage, but I understand why some of you would worry about that. Especially if you have really young kids in the classroom. I teach fourth grade, and they are pretty aware of what they can and can't mess with! :) Laminated pages would definitely be tougher to keep clean, and these were really easy to erase- even when I left the same objective up for several days! Vanessa- I love your idea of using mini whiteboards. Very creative!

Unknown said...

Do you have the LA, Reading, Math, etc. TEMPLATE somewhere? I can't seem to get the right size for the 8x10 frames.

Unknown said...

Courtney...I have a PDF file that I could email you if you'd like. It's actually in two separate ones because when I made them in Publisher I wanted some vertical and some horizontal. Let me know if you'd like those!

Crystal said...

Michelle, Can you e-mail me the PDF files? That would save a lot of time. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Crystal- I sure can. I'll send out that email right now! Enjoy! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great presentation! It'll be so easy for the kids to see :-) Can you email me the PDF too?


Heather said...

I love this idea! Can you email the PDF file to me, also? Thanks so much!!!

Unknown said...

Alright ladies....I just sent you the email.
Enjoy! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my!!! You just saved my life :). I love this idea.

Julie Jackson said...

Would you mind sending the PDF file to me? I created these last year but really like yours much better. Thanks -

Anonymous said...

Hi! I absolutely LOVE this idea!!! Would you mind sending me the PDF file so I can create it?

Anonymous said...

I like your idea. Could you please send me the PDF file also at Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm not at home to get the files off my computer right now, but as soon as I am, I'll send those to everyone who requested them :)

Anonymous said...

Love this idea!!! Can't wait to put them up in my room this coming year. Would you please send me the PDF file also at

Jillian said...

That's my classroom! I am random iPhone picture taking-teacher! I did not have a blog at the time but wanted to share so sorry about not having a link. Yours turned out very cute! Great tutorial.

Unknown said...

Okay...for everyone who requested the PDF files, I just sent an email out. Let me know if you didn't get them.
And Jillian....SO excited that you found this! I felt bad not being able to credit someone for the idea that inspired me to make my own. Thank YOU so much for sharing your photo to begin with. If you have a website that I can add a link back to, I'd love to do it. This has by far been my most viewed post, and it all started out with seeing your picture. Thanks again! :)

Anonymous said...

Luv it! Can you also send me the file?

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the PDF file please
Thank you

Jillian said...

I did start a blog shortly after posting that photo to try and eliminate the "pin that goes to nowhere" problem. However, I only posted a couple times and I am now teaching online rather than in the classroom. Have had thoughts about starting a new blog but we'll see. This is the poor ignored blog link: I'm so glad you were able to use my idea and it has been so popular! Fun to see it pop up from time to time. :)

Unknown said...

Good to know, Jillian! Even if you're not still using that blog, I added an update to the post so that people can be linked back to you. Thanks again! :)

Anonymous said...

Which font did you use to create your adorable frames?

Ashleigh said...

Hi Michelle! Love this idea too! Can you send me the PDF too please? Thank you! I will be making these this week!

katiemiddleton said...

hi michelle! i did something similiar to this in my room last year except i typed & printed the objectives each week- what a waste of my time! i LOVE your idea! could i please have the PDF? thanks so much :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle!! I love your's so adorable. Can you please send me the PDF? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! Please send the pdf to me if you can,

Anonymous said...

Michaels has open stock paper 5/$1 this week! Can you email me the PDF? Love, love this idea! Thank you!!! Tammy

Anonymous said...

I too, would love the pdf. Thanks so much for doing all of the hard work for me!!!
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

For the person who asked above....the font I used is "Janda Manatee Solid" I'm pretty sure I got it from (where I download most of the fonts I use), but if not you could just do a google search for the font to find it. And for everyone else who asked, I just emailed all of you the PDF documents. If you didn't get an email from me, let me know!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea too! Please send me the file too if possible at Thanks!!

Melissa said...

I would also like a copy of the file. I bought the frames and paper tonight, so I was looking to see what size paper you made your objectives on. Thanks in advance!


Ms. Adams said...

Hi Jennifer,

Can you please send me the pdf also? I'm making my frames right now. So excited!!

Thanks so much,


Anonymous said...

Could you also please send me the pdf? These are adorable and very user friendly!

Unknown said...

Michelle, thanks for sharing your awesome idea along with Jillian..Could you please send me the PDF file too. I am not sure what size white paper you used on top of the cute paper...thanks so much!!

Unknown said...

I guess it would help to have my email...Hehehe


Anonymous said...

Will you please send me a copy of your PDF file? I love this idea! Thanks!

mlynch3 said...

This is exactly what I've been looking for! I'd love a copy of the PDF file as well, if it's not too much trouble:
Thanks a bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this! I would love a copy also!

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I would also love a copy of this PDF please!! I am totally making up homework boards too!!! My email is

Thanks sooo much!


Anonymous said...

I would love the PDF file too. Thank you so much!! My email is

Melissa :)

Unknown said...

Okay...I have sent out emails to so many people that I decided to create a TpT account and I'm now putting a link in the post above so that everyone can just go directly there and download them for free. With the new school year coming quicker than I'd like, I thought this would be less time-consuming. ENJOY! :)

funinfirst said...

Laminate does not erase very easily and leave dark marks over time. I got to the point where I was not changing my objectives daily like I should towards the end of the year because of the time it took to erase them. I am going shopping to buy materials to make these tomorrow. Thank you for solving my frustration- easy fix! :)

Mrs. Mack said...

I can't wait to make these for my classroom! Cute AND clever!


jkhdancer88 said...

Please send me your file for the template. Love the idea.

C Curtis said...

Can you also send me your file template? Thank you!

Love this!

kdrex said...

I was inspired by your idea and did my own twist. I had these Dollar Store clear dry erase boards that I had never done anything with and your idea was just the ticket. Thanks!

ruserious said...

Could you please send me the PDF file of your template please? Thanks Alot!

Unknown said...

There is a link to the PDF files at the end of the post. Just click on the two hyperlinked words to bring you to my TpT account. I'm not at home to get on my computer and send you the files, but if you still need me to email them let me know and I will when I get a chance.

Unknown said...

There is a link to the PDF files at the end of the post. Just click on the two hyperlinked words to bring you to my TpT account. I'm not at home to get on my computer and send you the files, but if you still need me to email them let me know and I will when I get a chance.

Unknown said...

There is a link to the PDF files at the end of the post. Just click on the two hyperlinked words to bring you to my TpT account. I'm not at home to get on my computer and send you the files, but if you still need me to email them let me know and I will when I get a chance.

Unknown said...

Great idea! :)

Neat and Modified Alternatives said...

Hi Michelle,
I reposted your idea on my blog (giving credit of course - I modified it slightly because I couldnt find the epic deal that you got, I hope you don't mind! Love your idea, thanks again for sharing it with us!
Doodling Around in 6th Grade

Unknown said...

Hi Jenn!
So glad you were able to use this idea and make it your own....I'm going to go check out your post now. I do have to say, I did make an adjustment to mine this summer which I'm going to write a blog post about soon.
Thanks for showing the blog love! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE this and the copies allowed me to do this so quickly!!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I'm so glad to help-- I know how crazy this time of year can be! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE THESE!! Would it be possible to get an editable version? I want to use these for my essential questions (that I'm required to post)so I just need a different header. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Let me know if you didn't get my email about this. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I responded with what I needed. Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

No problem. Sorry I didn't respond back right away-- this week has been a busy one! :)

Unknown said...

This is an amazing idea! Too cute.

Unknown said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! Can't wait to hang these up in my classroom. Thanks for sharing!!!

dixiedelight said...

This is such a great idea! I'm going to hang them above my whiteboard because it's so small and my EQs take up vital whiteboard space. Could you tell me what size picture frames you bought and where you bought them? Thanks so much for sharing this creative idea! :)

Unknown said...

The frames were 8 x 10 inches and I got them at Michael's last summer....but when I went back to get a replacement one this summer they didn't carry them anymore. Now I'm using magnetic plastic frames and I actually love them even more. I can easily move them around, take them off the board to focus on one at a time, and I don't need to worry about them falling and breaking. Good luck with your project!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Would love the PDF.

Growing Smart Readers said...

I really love this great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the freebies!

Unknown said...

I would love the PDF version as well please! thanks for the great idea and for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Could you let me know where you got the new frames? Thanks so much. Paulette

Unknown said...

Martha and Stephanie-- there is a link in the post above to get the free PDF versions from my Teachers Pay Teachers page. Paulette- if you're talking about the plastic magnetic frames, I bought them at Michael's last summer. You can read more about the update in this post:

Anonymous said...

You're a GENIUS!!!! I can't wait to do this!!!!

Anonymous said...

This fall will be my first year teaching 5th. I want to do this for my homework board, but don't want to damage the whiteboard. Did you have any problems removing them with the sticky hangers on the back?

Unknown said...

I didn't have any problems with the hangers that I used. They easily removed from the whiteboard with no damage. I did however change to magnetic frames the next year and have been using those ever since. If you're interested, check out my blog post about that update!

Anonymous said...

These are perfect! What font did you use? I need to make one that says "bible." Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm so using this when I become a Teacher. And use it in my home πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸŽ¨

Adri said...

Hi Michelle, we're interesting to use your idea for our expo fanpage in MΓ©xico, would you like it? can you send to me an email to please? :) have a nice day

Unknown said...

I love this idea! I had one of my high school teachers do this in her class room, it was very helpful. I would love to feature this on my blog and give you full credit with a link to your site!

Unknown said...

I love this! Thank you so much! I downloaded your pdfs but am wondering if you could make one that says Science/Social Studies? You can email it to Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I would love the templates Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is beyond awesome. May I too have a email of the template please? I just came across your pin and i'm in love.

Ellen Wylie said...

Hi, You explained the topic very well. The contents has provided meaningful information thanks for sharing info dry erase whiteboard

Mini Dry Erase Boards

Sharon said...

I do love this idea and will be using it! Thanks a bunch!

Unknown said...

It’s really such nice information to get advantage from. ReMARKable whiteboard paint

Jo said...

This is such a clever idea. I too would love the PDF. Jo

bloging said...


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