Friday, November 30, 2012


I promise this will be my last list of 25 things for a while.....but when I get an idea stuck in my head, I just have to go with it.  It came to me on Thanksgiving and I started making a mental list since then.

This list is 25 things I'm thankful for. 

Not the big my family, my friends, my job, my house, my health....those are givens. 

And those are the most important things which deserve much more credit than to just be put on some list along with some things which are much less deserving.

No, this is a very light, easy-breezy, somewhat shallow list.
Because every once in a while, I just want to write a post that is completely ridiculous.  In a good way.

Also....because I'm completely addicted to instagram and my iPhone (literally all of my IG pics have been taken on my beloved iPhone), each of the things on the list have made an appearance on my instagram posts.
(plug alert) 
Follow me on instagram (mlehan) to continue to learn about my favorite things!  :)

25 Things I'm Thankful For....

1. Of course...I had to start with this.  Best purchase ever. 
(okay, maybe a close second to my house)

2.  Games. 
We are a crazy game-obsessed family.

3. Killer Brownies.
So. good.

4. And what better to have after a killer brownie?
Okay, I literally didn't have this right after the brownie....these were taken weeks apart....honest!

5. Concerts.
Especially cheap ones with awesome performances.
Christina Perri = amazing!

6. Purses and jewelry.
Especially cheap ones that I get for almost free.

7. Sangria.
Happy hour.
Enough said.

8. Saving over a hundred bucks at the grocery store.
I might not be ready for Extreme Couponing, but I'm a pretty smart shopper. 

9. Nail polish.
As you can see, I have an OPI obsession.

10. Party bus fun.
Being a loyal fan, even when surrounded by "the enemies"-a.k.a. my friends.  :)
*I went with 20 plus Tigers fans on a bus to see the Sox play them in Detroit.  I was the only Sox fan....but I still had the best time!

11. A family tradition of making fun cupcakes- both adults and kids.
Loved these fish ones!

12. Sudoku.
Fountain Coke.

13. Makeup in the morning.
Shopping at night.
Could I be more of a cliche girl....really?

14. Sitting on the beach.
Doing nothing but listening to the waves, soaking in the sun, and drinking a bottle of Towne Club. 

15. Target.
Whatever you call's my own little piece of heaven.

16. My snooze button.
One of three that I love to abuse on a daily basis.

17. Cute jewelry ordered online.  One of many that I've bought this year.
I may need an intervention.

18. Old framed pictures of my family.  Like this wedding photo of my mom and dad. 

19. Good books.
And reading them at night before bed.

20. My headache-remedy kit.
Caffeine + Excedrin Migraine + chocolate!

21. Art.  And living in a town that promotes it.

22. Watching football.
Especially when it's with my BFF who I don't see nearly enough!

23. Reality TV shows.
One of my guilty pleasures.

24. Ah....another guilty pleasure.  (or two)
Iced capps and donuts from Tim Hortons.
25.  Freedom.
I know...I kind of snuck in that last one even though I said this would be a pretty "shallow" post. 
But, if I wasn't sappy, I wouldn't be me.  :)

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