Monday, July 2, 2012

slowing down....

I'm so glad I clicked on a link to this list about a month ago.....

I really don't remember where I found the link, or whose picture led me to it, but that's not what's important.  What is significant was the journey it took me on.  And the lessons that I learned.

I learned to slow down and enjoy the small moments in my day.

I learned to look at objects, people, events, and nature in a new way.

I learned to think outside the box more often....and to be more creative with my photo taking.

I learned that what some may think of as insignificant, unimportant, or forgetful.....can be art.

I learned that I enjoy a little challenge every day.   Especially ones that involve using my iPhone.  :)

My quick (ish) explanation of Photo a Day:
*There are different versions of these lists floating around out there.  The one I am following is from a blog called fatmumslim.  I haven't taken the time to really go through her website yet, but I'm planning on it someday to learn more about the brains behind this brilliant idea.

*There are NO rules to this-- which I love.  She gives you a prompt for each day of the month, but you decide what you want to do with it, how you want to interpret it, and how much you want to explain the connection between your picture and the prompt.

*You can complete each day on the list, or just some of them.   You can take them or post them on that day, or not.  You can start, and not finish.....or finish and not start.  If that makes sense to you, congrats.  I just made that up.   ;)

*If you'd like to share your photos, you can on instagram, twitter, or other social media sites like Facebook.  Just add a hashtag (looks like the pound sign or number symbol....#) along with the tag for that month.  For example, in the caption of each of my photos, when I shared them on instagram (and sometimes facebook), I added #photoadayjune to the caption.   This magically links my photos to a collection of photos taken by others who are participating.  

*Want more info?   Go to and read all about it! are my June photos with a little (or more than a little) explanation when necessary.
Or when I just felt like saying something else about it.  
Or when I just felt the need to fill in the space.

Okay......I'll stop now.  ;) 

June 1- Morning.

Two of the three alarm clocks that wake me up in the morning.  The third is my phone. 

Yes, I'm a night owl.
Yes, I need three alarms to wake myself up at 6 am to get ready for work.
Yes, I realize that is probably annoying to anyone who has ever lived with me.

Yes, I realize that the times don't match on those clocks.

June 2- Empty.

This is what my sister's old bedroom looked like after she moved out.  All that was in the room was my old bed propped up against the wall, as a reminder that this was going to become a guest room.

Which it is now.....a post about that transformation will come soon!  :)

June 3-  On my plate.

I often have cravings for brownies.  I heart brownies.....a little too much.   So I don't make them often.....because they don't stay in the pan very long.   And while I like the fudgy, slightly underdone ones, this batch was way beyond that.  The bottom was pretty much raw batter.

Time for a new stove! 
Which I got recently.....and will be starring in a post about my kitchen transformation when I get around to writing it.  :)

June 4- Close Up.

Pretty.  Pink.  Mini Carnations.

June 5- Sign.

I used this picture of some green beans I took off my plant as a "sign" of what's to come this summer.....I've probably gotten about 20 or so beans from that one plant so far this year.
And man were they good.

June 6- Hat.

Quickly put on my favorite hat and snapped a picture.  Really wasn't feeling creative that day- getting ready for the last days of school- so it was pretty straight-forward.

June 7- Drink.

This was a gift from one of my students.  Well....his parents.  :)  
This was a wine they made themselves, which made it not only thoughtful but very unique.

June 8- 6 o'clock.

The LAST day of school.....and the LAST day until late August that I'll need to set my 6:00 am alarm.  When I woke up at 6:01 I snapped a screenshot of my phone alarm to commemorate this wonderful event.
What an amazing feeling!

June 9- Your view today.

My 13 year old nephew.....wearing my 9 year old niece's pink softball helmet.  Love it!
This is how my family acts.....and I love this group of goofballs.

June 10- Best bit of your weekend.

We spent a lot of family time this sister and nephew visited from Ohio, we got to see my nieces' soccer and softball games, spent quality time with my aunt who was in the hospital, and any down time was usually spent doing this....playing games.

Did I mention I love my family??

June 11- Door.

Behind this door are piles and piles of random items.   It's my "spare bedroom" downstairs, but it has become a dumping ground for all of the clutter that I want put away, but never find the time to do it. 

So this summer, it's a project of mine to make this into an exercise room.
If it gets done, expect a post on that, too!

June 12- From a low angle

I sat down on the ground, put my phone as low as it could go, and took this picture of some flowers growing in my garden.  They'll make another appearance on another day's photo.

June 13- Art.

A selection of the drawings and notes that my students made for me this past was time to take it all down.  I love my job, and getting these pictures and kind words from "my kids" warms my heart.  Always makes me a little nostalgic while I'm taking them off the door, but it's a sign that summer is here, so I quickly get over it.  :)

June 14- Time.

It was the perfect time and temperature to go outside and work in my yard.   Plus, I had the TIME to spend out there since I was officially done cleaning my classroom the day before. 


June 15- Yellow.

I couldn't help add a second picture of my yarrow flowers.....they turned out so pretty this year, and are getting HUGE!    This was a close up of one of them.

June 16- Out and About.

My sister and I went in to Muskegon to babysit my nephew while his mom and dad were at a wedding reception.   We had fun taking him to the beach, playing in the park, and of course goofing around down at the lake.  Got some great sunset shots that night, too!

One thing I learned about my nephew.....don't bother buying him ice cream. 
Even if he says he wants it.  He really just wants to play on the playground at the ice cream place.  And you'll have a sticky, melty mess in your hand from holding onto his ice cream that he'll never eat.  ;)

June 17- In your bag.

I was going through my purse and found four tubes of chapstick-- and three were the exact same kind.  Really, is that necessary?
Yes, I have a freakish addiction....and no, I'm not ashamed to admit it.

June 18- Something we don't know about you.

Until I posted this picture, I don't think anyone.....including myself....knew about the extent of my collection of high heel shoes that I don't wear.  Not because I don't think they're adorable.  Not because I don't know how to walk in them.  
Unfortunately, it's because I CAN'T wear them.   I had some issues with my feet that were brought on (self-diagnosed) by wearing heels, among other things.  My feet have healed, but I don't dare risk reinjuring them....hence, the purging of the cute shoes.

And this isn't even showing all of them.....just the cutest ones.   The ones I'm really sad I can't wear.

I've already sold or set aside a few pairs for friends.....the rest are going in my garage sale. 
I've already said my goodbyes, so I think it will be a clean break up. 


June 19- Imperfect.

The close-up shot of my first major scratch on my countertops since I got them last summer.  
Actually, it's pretty amazing it took this long with how much of a clutz I am.

I mean.....I swear, that knife just jumped out of my hand.....

June 20- Fave photo you've ever taken. I really don't like the word "ever" in cases like this....for two reasons.
First, can I really say this is my favorite picture I've EVER taken?  As if I could remember them all.
Second, I only have photos on my computer that I've taken with my digital camera or phones.  What if my favorite picture was taken with my Kodak 110 camera I had when I was a kid?   Or one of those disposable cameras I took on road trips?  

Okay, so I stopped overthinking it and just chose of the favorite photos I've taken recently.

This one of the sunset over the pier at Pere Marquette in Muskegon....with the sunlight glowing on the water, the shadows of the seagull, the trees, and the couple walking....everything was just timed right. reminds me of "home". 

June 21- Where you slept.

My bed.  Which I make every morning like the weirdo that I am.

I was playing around with some different filters on an app I bought....this was the "sepia" one I believe.  Just so you don't think that my entire room and bedding set is that monotone.  :)

June 22- From a high angle.

This picture was also included in a previous post of mine....about a trip I took down to the beach in the rain. 

One of my favorite details of this picture is how you can see the drops of water on the bottom of each fence rail....they look like little glass balls down there! 

June 23- Movement.

My ceiling fan that is always on at night when I'm sleeping...I just love that soft breeze constantly blowing on me.  I snapped this right when I woke up that morning.

June 24- On your mind.

I started reading this book that morning, and had to stop after reading the first couple chapters because it was so moving.  I'm taking my time reading it since I have so many projects going on, but whenever I have a chance I grab it.   Seriously, every time I pick this up to read a chapter or two, I need to have a box of kleenex nearby.  It's honest, and inspiring, and beautiful.  

June 25- Something cute.

I was shopping at Target on this day (I know....shocking that I was at Target, right?).  Anyway....I saw these glasses and just thought they were amazingly adorable.  The fact that they stack together like the little dolls makes them even more tempting to buy.  

June 26-  Where you shop.

I took a quick picture of reusable bags from three of the stores that I've been spending most of my money at lately.   With all of the home improvement projects I've been working on, as well as trying to eat out less, I've been using a lot of coupons, discounts, and smart shopping strategies as well.

June 27- Bathroom.

After attempting to fix my leaky faucet for the fourth time since I got my house (the first three times I was actually successful), I decided it was time for a new faucet.

One call to the plumber, and bye bye....outdated, ugly wooden handled faucet.
Hello....beautiful, updated, stylish one!  :)

June 28- On the shelf.

All but one of those baskets holds purses and wallets.  There are three more that didn't make it into this picture.   I took this to reveal another one of my crazy obsessions. 

And although I lost count a long time ago (I think at last count I had over 50 purses).....this will be much more manageable (and less freakish) once I sell a bunch of them at my garage sale. 
I will be a big difference.

And I might have bought myself a new purse this weekend to reward myself for getting rid of so many.  Hey....I can't be expected to abandon my purse-loving ways that easily....

June 29- Soft.

Soft carpet.  Soft new curtains.  Soft light peeking out from under them.

June 30- A friend.

I had to pick this one of me and my bestie, Joy.....even though we don't see each other nearly as much as I'd like.....we always have so much fun together, she shares so many of my crazy movie/tv/book obsessions, I can completely be myself around her, always feel welcome around her and her family,  she's an amazing mom to some extremely cool boys, and college life would not have been the same without my Wondertwin!  :)

Thanks for reading my extremely looooong post that wasn't really meant to be this lengthy.  But, if you know my writing style, it's rarely short and to the point.  

So.....if you've lasted this entire post, you deserve a reward. 
Go get yourself a a brownie.....ask someone to give you a back yourself a new purse. 
Whatever makes you happy.

And I'd love for you to join me in July's Photo a Day Challenge.  See below for the list.
If you want to see mine.....follow me on instagram.   My username is mlehan.  

Photo a Day lists (June and July) copied from

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